The purpose of this document is to outline the safety procedures and protocols related to COVID-19 to be followed prior, during, and post-event for all events held outside of a Basil Audio Visual's facility.
Basil Audio Visual will adhere to all advice and orders provided by Government Authorities and, as a result, this document is subject to change. If you are unable to meet the physical distance requirement for more then a passing moment, it is recommended to wear a non-medical mask. All staff are to follow good hand and respiratory hygiene which includes frequent hand washing or sanitizing, not touching your face and coughing or sneezing into your elbow or disposable tissue.
In an effort to help keep fellow employees safe and to assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19, we are asking each employee to complete a quick self-assessment prior to coming into work each time. This assessment should include taking your temperature to ensure you don't have a fever and checking yourself for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19 or other infectious respiratory diseases. You are not required to report your assessment but if you find you are symptomatic please report to management.
At the beginning of each shift, a safety meeting will be conducted by the Crew Chief. Here are some of the items to be identified and discussed:
• COVID-19; Physical Distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene.
• First Aid; Attendant(s), nearest hospital, reporting and venue protocols.
• Hazards; Lifts, power, overhead, pinch point, etc.
Basil Audio Visual will provide hand sanitizer, shop towels or cloths, sanitizer spray nitrile gloves for cleaning and back-up disposable masks.
Capacity inside the cab of a vehicle is limited to a maximum of 2 people: the driver and 1 passenger. It is recommended cab occupancy in most cases is only the driver. However, when circumstances require a passenger, masks should be worn by both occupants. When loading and unloading the truck, it is recommended masks are worn. Only the driver should operate the vehicle and lift gate or ramp. The driver is responsible to sanitize high touch surfaces at the end of the shift.
Basil Audio Visual will make every effort to sanitize all high touch surfaces of Basil Audio-Visual provided equipment prior to the client's arrival. This is to include, but not limited to: all microphones, cue remotes, computer peripherals, lectern surfaces, etc.
Any equipment shared by client or staff will be sanitized in between uses. Assigned operators should be the only ones to touch their assigned equipment. If the isn't possible, equipment must be sanitized between users unless gloves are worn. If you are onsite and need any supplies please use your company credit card to acquire what is needed. If you are unable to get away from the site and need supplies, please inform management.
High touch surfaces in personal offices should be sanitized at least daily, at the end of the day by the occupant of that office. High touch surfaces in common areas will be sanitized as needed. Sanitizer and paper towel or wipes will be provided. Technicians are required to sanitize all high touch surfaces on the used gear, before putting it away on the storage shelves.